Talk to us for Reiki

Benefits from Reiki Healing Session

For depression, Anxiety, Anger, Addictive behaviour, Relationship Issues,Pain, Pcod, Arthiritis, High/Low BP, Thyroid, Obesity, Impotency, Delay Pregnancy etc.

Benefits from Money Reiki

Abundance of money, Attract wealth, Continuous flow of money through Reiki, Attract businesses Opportunities, Attract more clients etc.

Benefits from Crystal Healing Sessions

Improve confidence, Beneficial to achieve life goals, Focus, Wishes Fulfillment, Past life recovery, Balances all the chakras. Protection from evil eye.

Benefits from Colour Therapy

To enhance the colours in body, Alignment of Chakras and provide Health and strength to body.

Benefits from Tarot Card Readings

To know why one get stuck in the same situation repeatedly, To know Present and Future and also how to become aware of remedies and to overcome from hurdles.

Benefits from Angels Card Readings

Message from Angel to sailing smooth in life, Stay protected , Calm and keep growing in life.

Benefits from Astrology

Birth Charts, Past, Present, Future remedies and ability to take right decision at right time.

Benefits from Vaastu Consultancy

Health issues, Career solutions, Love life issues, Problems in marriage, Children, Property, Theft, Court cases and few problem which occur because of wrong vaastu directions.

Benefits from Animal Reiki

Healings through Reiki and crystals, Distant Healings for animals and birds.

Benefits from Plants Reiki

Healings from Reiki for plants growth, protection and knowing about different plants for wealth.

Benefits from Karuna Reiki

Karuna Reiki introduction, Full details of Karuna Reiki symbols (more than 25 symbols) and thier uses for healing, Self-attunement of Karuna Reiki level 1,2,3 i.e. till master level, Distance attunement of Karuna Reiki level 1,2,3 i.e. till master level, Attunement process of Karuna Reiki level 1,2,3 i.e till master level.


• HUMKARA With HALEEM is a simple, easy, quick & very powerful healing technique.
• It helps immensely in depression and psychic attacks and protects you from all kind of negativeness with the divine energies of Kali and Baglamukhi.
• HUMKARA With HALEEM works on intense cord cutting and removes deep rooted blockages.

Benefits of HUMKARA With HALEEM.
• Activation of the BRAHMA NADI that opens the higher channel of the subtle body.
• Reasing blockages from Vishuddhi Chakra that gives wisdom to access different dimensions and gives power of intuition for financial abundance.
• Overall increase in effectiveness in your personality.
• Much More.

Lama Fera Healings

Brief Information About Lama Fera
Lama fera is a powerful energy healing technique that has been used by Buddhist monks in the Himalayas for centuries. ... Lama fera is known for removing negative energies to produce physical and emotional healing.

Some Major Benefits Of Lama Fera Healing
• Freedom from all kind of Stress and Depression.
• Gives freedom from Anxiety and Fear, helps toward off evil spirits and negative energy.
• The practice can be used to increase memory and inspire higher levels of concentration through meditation.
• It's the best treatment for enhancing your will power and considered as the best healing treatment for last stage patients of all disease.
• Promotes chemical processing of body, muscles, bones, digestive disorders and give strength and radiant energy.

~One to One Healing
~Distance healing
~Healing of Spaces
~Removing Black Magic And Many More.

Shalvik Mantra Rahasya

Shalvik Mantra Rahasya or Shalvik healing is connected with Lord Mahamrutunjay.

Benefits Of Shalvik Mantra Healing:
• Mahamrutunjay mantra is a powerful mantra with the vibration of 492 hertz, so when we chant Mahamrutunjay mantra healing is done very quickly.
• Removes all karmic baggage and blockages.
• It helps to treat chronic diseases.
• Removes tensions, depression, and anxiety
• Removes financial blockages.
• Heals relationship issues.
• Conquers illnesses.
• Opens the doors to new opportunities in life.
• Ancestors healing can be done with this powerful healing and increases luck.
• Helps to win over any difficulty in life.
• Grants blessings of Lord Mahamrutunjay and helps to conquer misfortunes in life.
• Helps to heal any astrological problems.

What Is The Purpose Of A Singing Bowl?

A Tibetan singing bowl has various purposes. Used for centuries in spiritual and meditative practices to aid relaxation, concentration, and release of negative emotions. Its sound is thought to have therapeutic properties, reducing stress, improving sleep, and promoting well-being. Also used in sound and music therapy sessions.

Benefits of Tibetan Singing Bowl Healing:

Stress Relief
The calming sound of a singing bowl can help to lower stress levels and promote feelings of relaxation. This is because the sound waves produced by the bowl can help to balance the nervous system and create a peaceful state of mind.

Improved Mental Clarity
The vibrations produced by a singing bowl can also help to clear the mind and promote a greater sense of focus and clarity. This makes singing bowls an effective tool for meditation and mindfulness practices.

Pain Relief
The vibrations produced by a singing bowl can also help to alleviate physical pain, particularly in areas such as the back, neck, and head. This is because the vibrations can help to stimulate blood flow and reduce tension in the muscles.

Improved Sleep
Listening to a singing bowl before bed can help to promote better sleep by creating a peaceful, calming atmosphere. This can be exceptionally beneficial for people who struggle with insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Increased Creativity
The vibrations produced by a singing bowl can also help to stimulate the creative centers of the brain, promoting greater creativity and imaginative thinking.

Sound Healing and Pregnancy

It is recommended that mother should isten regularly to Sound Therapy throughout her pregnancy. To obtain the full benefits of improved sleep, reduced stress and increased energy, the recommended listening time for an adult is three hours a day.

Pregnancy Time is Very Important days And Whatever Mother Listen Baby Observes And Absorbs Everything.

Whatever Happening Outside Affects Inside

Healthy Mind And Healthy Body of Baby To Come In World Depends on Mother Of Body ,Her Activities And How She Thinks What She Thinks.

Not Just Only in Pregnancy But Post Pregnancy Too Mother Needs it.

Now With Spritual Pregnancy Baby And Mother Will Both Be Peaceful From Mind Body And Soul.

Enjoy Pregnancy And Post Pregnancy With Tibetan Singing Bowl Healing By Singing Bowl Grand Master Kamana Parashar 🥣🙌✨

Welcome To Past Life Regression Therapy By Certified Past Life Regression Therapist Kamana Parashar.

• Heal Through Past Life Regression Therapy.

• Come Out Of All Your Fears And Nove On In Life.

• Follow To Know More About Past Life Regression Therapy.

Benefits Of Past Life Regression Therapy by Certified Past Life Regression Therapist Kamana Parashar

• Reconnect with past life experiences.

• Help you understand why you feel a deep connection with certain places.

• Explore your past life and current Soulmate experiences.

• Identify physical ailments you have, which may be remnants of past life experiences.

• Follow To Know More, To Book Appointment For Amazing Session.

Womb Regression Healing Therapy

The fetus can recall the events even before the development of its body and the brain because they are recorded in the consciousness of the soul. The consciousness of the soul records all the experiences of the fetus whilst in the mother’s womb. The fetus also feels and records all the experiences, thoughts, and feelings of the mother as its own. In addition to this, the fetus also perceives the external environment just as we do.

The memories, experiences, and traumas from conception till birth can also trigger memories of traumatic experiences in past lives. These are often the problems that we need to resolve in this life. As a result of this, many of our personality traits and physical and emotional problems can be traced to experiences that we had while in the mother’s womb and also during the process of giving birth. Many emotional and physical problems, such as feelings of loss, alienation, rejection, loneliness, grief, relationship problems, separation anxiety, panic attacks, depression, claustrophobia, paranoia, asthma, headaches, and sinus problems, can be traced back to the traumas surrounding birth. Birth trauma need not be only of this life. Birth traumas are carried from all the previous lives stretching back the very beginning of the soul when it started its journey of incarnation cycles.

Womb Regression is a continuation of Current Life Regression. The time spent in the mother’s womb in pregnancy is imperative. Exploring this deeply through regression therapy can be very beneficial and healing. You can recall the emotions that your mother was feeling during her pregnancy; the place where you were in (Womb), the temperature around you, the feeling of security or isolation, the sound of mother’s heartbeat, the presence of your father or other family members. This experience can bring about some answers, healings and understandings of certain blockages of your present situations.

Past Life Regression Therapist Kamana Parashar

Inner Child Regression Therapy by Certified Past Life Regression Therapist Kamana Parashar

Inner Child Regression Therapy can boost self-esteem and self-worth by addressing and healing the root causes of self-doubt and negative self-beliefs. Understanding and healing childhood issues can lead to healthier relationships, as individuals are better able to address relationship patterns and dynamics.

New Life Old Healings
Old Heallings New Life